Whether you are working on a new construction project or you want to update the security systems in your own home, we can help. Thanks to our vast experience working with different security systems, we can ensure that everything is accurately designed and placed, eliminating any blind spots or potential vulnerabilities on your property.

Must-have security features

While new construction projects are required to have smoke detectors installed, all other smart security features are optional and are completely up to the discretion of the project manager or homeowner. In most cases, we'll often recommend cameras and automated door locks, as they are always worth the investment, but we'll also provide recommendations based on your unique situation.

Custom security solutions

No two projects are exactly alike. That is why all of our security projects are customized to suit you and your home or building. Our dedicated team members will take the time to get to know you and your wants and needs before providing the optimal design and layout for your new security solutions.

Wide selection of products

We carry a wide selection of different smart security solutions to choose from, including:

  • Home alarms
  • Security cameras (black and white cameras, PTD cameras, remote-access cameras, thermal cameras, etc.)
  • Gate control
  • Automated door locks
  • Window sensors
  • Door sensors
  • Motion detectors
  • Smoke/carbon monoxide detectors